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  • harmen4750: I'm a simple man. I see a new video from TheNuclearRabbit, I watch it! JapeCity: I get so stupidly excited for these videos shaneanigans440: You are a true masochist. I've leveled a poison nova necro from 30 and it's pain. zarfen: This was super entertaining! Poison nova is one of the coolest skills imo, but there sure are a lot of poison resistant enemies in hell zlatanmorrison8182: "An IV of potions" :)) Machtgecko: The good old Ral-Tir-Tal-Sol Spirit Partizan, never change nuke NeflewitzInc: I've been thinking about doing a poison Dagger necro and this helped me decide that if I do it I must have Treachery. Sara.Space.H: I wish poison dagger automatically hit like smite and did all of it's poison damage instantly. But dreams aside ty for your vids, you deserve mo...
  • stofsk: I've never heard of the Souls Magic Find Ritual. That's incredible. This game keeps on surprising me. FasterThanJesus: Half way through the vid, but would you be better getting the ritual and then doing andariel, chaos sanctuary, baal, pindlestick or whatever makes for the best farming targets for your build rather than just the chaos sanctuary? Thinking it may be a bit more efficient. I know it makes it a bit more of an arse for comparitive purposes. wizrom3046: Meh, it's a myth. Those results looked right on par for your 200% MF Anyway, thanks for testing it! Silith13: Interesting thought. 0 MF. Doing soul ritual. Go through entire game and clear all the boss mobs and champions. mrsquiggles1379: I think because of the drop off it wouldnt affect your runs as much. Prob bett...
  • arthurmelo3472: I'm unsubscribing to this channel. He seemed nice and genuine at the beginning, but the power went to his head. He started scamming us by showing videos exactly like this. I did the same runs with the same gear and was only getting Tal Rune, Ith Rune, and etc. jebadaiah1228: grats on 99 man bacchus8081: Those drops were Surreal. Gz on 99! bivdog: Beat the spam! d8l835: I dropped a griffons this morning terrorized mephisto! Second one on the singleplayer grail TheRc0211: The diadem is so sweet. I will never forget my first and only drop of Griffons smalps-gaming: Congratulations on the 99! HokeyPokey243: I got my first 99 with a mosaic sin in SP, it was comically easy. Proceeded to grind hammerdin, nova sorc, javazon, and ww barb also to 99. Poison necro and fire dr...
  • Peter-wb7he: First! Sadly melee will never be "good" in D2R unless they add melee splash like PD2 did. Which they really should do tbh, would open up so many more viable builds. wizrom3046: Death runeword never gets enough love. In the old days my favorite dueller build was a charger paladin with a big 2hand ethereal Death axe. He used to put EVERYBODY down, or maybe he would just die, it was a bit like rolling a dice lol, but he could kill godly sorcs and hammerdins that nobody else could kill tommyg4840: I’m just here for the intro zacharyr6886: Ive taken my dual greif pb ww barb on a spiritual journey but mostly p1 paly. Binding ww to a keyboard key and only having your mouse a short distance away from your character allows you to make very small movments and single target mobs ...
  • JamesCarian: I believe you would want to make sure your merc is not damaging anything with poison damage (like the poison nova) because that would be overriding the damage you're doing from your bow/poison charms. Saw a video from GGM on this recently where he did the whole poison test/compared it with venom. USEDDLDOSALESMAN: I remember this build back in like 2003. I think they were 290s? My friends dad used that build lol hyunwhanjoe3477: I think there is a trick where if you weap switch to an item with /- poison like death's web, the poison damage applies by the switched weapon adamboyd5190: Plague=swords, katars, daggers joshuaf.pascual8437: I found one of those in terrorized flayer jungle, sold it for 40 jah.. phtoriumtears3020: You counted 34 then 31. There is 37 of them. ...
  • fistingendakenny8781: Still love your runs dude, remember me when you have 1 million subs, you deserve this barryschalkwijk9388: Great stream man, keep it up we'll be here
  • seang9450: I love d2 videos about rares. Rares are the only reason I continue to play the game tbh. If you get the right one there are people willing to pay off your mortgage for it michelhartgerink: found claws this season: 2 skill 3 wake inferno 2 light sentry 40IAS 2 sockets :) looter-game: I love rare items. It's old school. PAwader: Phil common.. you cannot get strength on rare boots, you know this. They stopped putting strength on rare boots in patch .09 KSechrist: Hey, Phil, have you ever seen a rare javalins with 1 warcries? I found it a couple days ago and hadn't ever seen that before. Itz_KLONOPIN: I use a sexy pair of Rare Mat Javs on my java that is 2ama skills 2 jav skills 40ias 9life leech and 9mana leech with Eth/self rep AND increased stack size pb34r46: H...
  • jlaf8: Poor Llama SebastianBohn: It’s so fun to watch you and Llama battle for these records. May the speeeeeed be with you all the time. Tunoi_Veil: i know this is probably a major inconvenience but is there a tutorial on how to do this? why that club over that axe and so forth. i think even the average joe could complete the acts way faster if there would be some sort of guide. Tyrael66: You beat llama with 14 mins Lion8585: Congratz on the WR run! Alcyone65: Congrats! ElPepe-dc4sq: Made my day. thank you and greetings from germany alexspencer2866: Holy speeeeeeed! Smashed it dude! nikitathc7540: GG WP Champ ! Speed !
  • comagnum1: You deserve more subs. Love your challenges and humor. Keep it up man! KianDamsgaard: Really looking forward to these videos! Thank you for The nostalgia trip! Absolute pleasure DaedalusRaistlin: This gave me flashbacks to before LoD released, and my best equipment was usually rares socketed with perfect gems. LoD really changed things up. But it's fun to see a rare only run, reminds me of that time. Erebus1301: Nice video man!you deserve more subs. steeven1310: Next only magic items - great video! paladin_au: I swear you are reading my mind for these challenge ideas, I even had a spear paladin called Emilio before the last video! Still I love these challenge videos, keep them coming :) eunwater: he is famous OW user redlemonade6366: Can you please try next SUMMONING NE...
  • sleeper1855: I'm having a deja vu hack in my mind fredierensal9410: Mrllama you should have used the same shirt you used when you made the old Map hack in your mind video xD ApathyBM: When you suddenly realize Chaos is a swastika cyprn6600: Underground passage and a3 jungle are my achiles heel i can never read them beuteschema5297: havent i seen this video before? kovarny88: I can add, in Arcane Sanctuary the top left way has the best chance of exit raynibbs4679: Thank you Llama! I did watch studiously your first in depth video of the exits, and this one really makes it all click easily. Great information! ReadyToRek: I was literally just going to pull up the old video to remind myself of a few things, this is great XD sopchek1: to be able to understand the 'left-right-straight' ...
  • jonathanarie2813: I'll try to not miss the next one. I wanna say Hi and i wanna thank you directly for the endless entertainment. Every single video is a bliss. A four hour one is a winning lottery ticket. Thank you so much! mrsquiggles1379: I cant believe I missed this!! Good stuff dude love the content nonameemanon4842: Im so sad i missed this stream, i saw you where online when i was at work. looking forward to watch it now :) Lincolnzz: Wasnt able to make it live but a four hour vod will help work go by quicker today. Cheers musicalfire9590: Great stream shannonnezul4903: Sorry i missed the stream man! Ill try and be there for the next one thanks for posting the vod. Enjoying it thoroughly =] joeltrushinski3843: Love the run so far, can’t wait to catch the next one! Hammerit...
  • sirhcsuiris: Yeah, I totally remember when Blizzard wasn't a giant piece of shit. roguethemachine3928: it important to not that blue items sometimes have affix that go higher in values than rares like mf rings tigerhawk84: I think what D4 is missing that D2 has is item levels are static, and the "Smart loot" means you only find items for your own class. In d2 you can be farming for something for your sorc but drop a sick leveling unique for barb or zon and it makes you want to play one. You can get full leveling sets for alts and stuff. None of that happens in D4. If you drop a nice legendary its going to have stats only good for your class, and its gonna be level 100 or whatever. Useless for alts. Its very 1 dimensional. I've never liked this whole "the world levels with you" its laz...
  • noble3696: The sudden complete silence when you stop talking sometimes is actually hilarious and i think you should never change that erw2213: Two uploads in a few days!?! Thanks for the hard work man I get how long these playthroughs can take demonblood8841: Found your channel via your farming competition with Zarfen loot goblin. Subbed good stuff sir plastichairball: "Only one yellow submarine away from a complete album" - that got me hahaha SnMcCall: LOL “help me Stepdruid— I’m stuck!” HELP davesafish: Two videos in two days!! You're spoiling us bro!!! Great video as always, very fun looking. Maybe I missed it, but what players count was this on? I play on p8 ssf hc pretty much always and I swear this is just what I see everyday. Lol at least that's what it feels l...
  • brandonliberty9218: I like IK set. pires11d: I never found a single Ruby Jewel of Fervor (the one that gives 15 IAS / 40 ED)... And I play this game easily for more than 10 years cvasirocket1401: Do you remember aunty Charsi? She is your uncle now. TheGhjgjgjgjgjg: Demon limb with it's lvl 23 enchant charges would help this a lot, or would the lower lvl enchanct proc just over ride it? zickityz6549: Love your videos iceman!!! deeds2r: The Immortal Toad KlausMingo: Visage is a french word, means face. It's pronounced viz-aaa-ge. Pro tip 1: in trav, you can leap through the arches/walls, no need to teleport. Pro tip 2: you can hotkey the portals (just like any spell or skill), many youtubers always open the inventory to use their portals tome, which is inefficient. JamesCarian: H...
  • bivdog: Shako out of a regular chest is how I got my first EVER Shako. Pretty sure in stony tombs, too! garrett5974: Happy Father's Day Phil from one Dad to another. Mattronymic: Got my first d2r shako from the armor stand by meph HenryHoe: I got maras out of an urn in stony tombs FrankieFresh: shako chest drop is op codyfike3545: Done with playing ladder already ? vivithegr8389: Season 8 confirmed thevioletboy69: Happy Father’s Day phil williamlovelace9424: Sweet phil rockin it yet again Sweetguy1821: I've had a lone shako drop as well last year running tombs. I wonder if drops are seeded like kurast? redeyez444: I got deths web deths fathom mang songs. And tylrrals for my grail
  • -Keith-: You may disagree with me, but I'm still of the opinion that immunities were a bad design move because they limited viable build diversity through nightmare and hell. All those fun builds that are enabled in the late game by using sunder charms... should've been playable throughout the entirety of the leveling process! This is how we experienced d2 classic. Putting immunities into the game instantly killed a ton of builds. Locking the ability to customize your character the way you want instead of the way you have to behind endgame progression is bad. jays8048: Sunder charms were a much needed addition to the game. mr_proctober2032: They're great. Brought a ton of build diversity and a much needed boost for fire characters. Building whole characters to farm one area is BORING ...
  • christophermanabat1934: Since I saw your first two fails, I decided to try it for fun. worse 2 weeks ever lol. I basically farmed NM till I was almost 80.... I reset my map over and over till I got the easiest meph map ever. I found a lycander flank which made life easier. I must have killed Meph in NM with 200 MF about 2k times. I got all the best items you can get in NM. I even managed to get a shako from NM Baal. I never used it tho, kept on my Vamp Gaze and Smoke armor. like you, I used Nats boots. I also had IK belt, Rare gloves with IAS and resistance. I too found a Raven frost and a rare ring with LL and dual res. What helped the most was the charms I kept along the way. I kept every resistance/life charm I could find. Eventually I switch the Smoke for a Hustle runewor...
  • returnofmerenguespersempre6664: Bro i just learned today that you can hold L2 and press a button on digital joystick to heal a merc on consoles. I love this game. eddienash2095: This is ridiculous to say "You only have to kill 12 monsters"...Thats not possible and will never be the case when playing through the game... jeffbeal2364: I feel like the stat respec is cheating, if your going to enable a code you might as well just dupe runes and make gear. Love the content and the video. Just my opinion on that. Keep Slaying BlaX613: a few corrections: the first unique council memeber drops khalims flail. u dont have to kill vizier/de seis/infector, you can drag them out of chaos. u must be lv 20 to complete the ancients q so u do have to kill alot of monsters to move on seanpaulroda5...
  • MartyrMachine: Enjoy the trip Schmuck! We're gonna miss you. MagicalMajestic: Have a wonderful holiday Shmuck, enjoy youself! inthedarkfusion1751: True gentleman, mad respect! captainobvious909: Wishing you a nice vacation schmuckyboy. Always nice to get to know new cultures and places in the world. Just have in mind, there is a group of bros that cant wait for you to come back and tell us all about it. Enjoy your trip madlad. (Hope my english is understandable) A_state_of_PJ: He's a hardcore Schmuck now! Lormok87: Brother i hope you have a blast in Cambodia get away from it all and return in full force. Manald Gang will be here when you are back. Enjoy your time! adampataki4319: Oh, I missed the opportunity. I was busy with my own $hit. I´m glad you pulled it off! Have a grea...
  • johnhinckley6491: Your content has been at 100% quality the entire time you really know what you’re doing boss man SuperDonny21: The legend returns, how are things? Still haven't lost your touch, great vid as usual Mad1Lee: Not playing D2 since forever but always clicking on a new ilovemf D2 video! phoenix0153: I was JUST about to point out that the sorc "MF" was telling you what to do till you highlighted it anthonysantellan9577: Man you bring the naustogia of this game to life. The grind. The struggle. And the payoffs that make it all worthwhile. Awesome content man. dreamlight4082: Welcome back! :D amfitness5598: Best edited D2R content creator on YT. Welcome back SmyleTran: my friend and I always await your videos to see what you're up to, it's always entertaining!
  • R3dShift: Your intros cracks me up every time kevinlambert3896: It’s 2024…I hope you smash P8 with every single build you make with whatever item you want creed5248: still haven't found windforce and titans on sp ... also dying for an soj so i can get an anni ... problem is im old now and cant play like i used to ... a bigger mouse helps but still my hand gets jacked up pretty quickly ... LoL !!! creed5248: I always use an amulet for teleport when needed ... easy to switch and only uses one spot and i can switch it out as soon as i get where I need to go ... pires11d: With Faith bow and Hustle armor, my amazon simply melts enemies down... Also metalgrid amulet, raven frost, manald heal for mana leech, Wisdom helm, and Wrath bow on the off hand for the Decrepify proc. Super fun t...
  • mikeliterus1628: No "boo" ? are you serious? its BO.. like BOW.. BATTLE ORDERS.. stop calling it boo Psynister_PBP: Standing in the fire does % damage based on current life, so you can stand there to proc your Fade as long as you need to for it to proc, without using your pots. When you're down to 1, it does 0. boriss.2392: Barb imo has an easier time with ubers than most other classes. russellcrowe187: I cant afford to go to the next state wish i could dipout for 2 months have a good time
  • KoOLe3pY: That belt with the lightning res was siiiiiick wizrom3046: You could have used spirit of wolverine instead of oak to help with that attack rating too. I dont think you really needed oak because it kept dying and that didnt affect you too much. And is there some reason you didnt use fury? You can use feral rage until you got the big red lifesteal ball then switch to fury for speed and attack rating? Or did they change something in D2R so you cant do that? boriss.2392: Druid and necro imo are the hardest to uber with. russellcrowe187: Roofer woodworker or gas/welding russellcrowe187: Raven wizrom3046: You could have used spirit of wolverine instead of oak to help with that attack rating too. I dont think you really needed oak because it kept dying and that didnt affect you t...
  • mrhristv: Kano, the community wants one thing and that's it "Naked fist only Sorceress with Enchant to Baal Hell". We know you are the king here, so please, do it.:) SebastianBohn: Think I was there live. Nice run. rafaelblazius9840: love ur videos, love ur work, keeping it please! The next Sorc please! jethro87: Just a normal day in Harrogath: "Honey, we have like 15 portals opened in the basement, and some strange woman is popping in and out of them every couple of moments just to steal our jars with pickles, could you do something about that?" "I talked to her, and she said "hai, haiyah", I'll better call the police" nikitathc7540: Gg Champion QuinterServarosius: WOW! And in about the same time i finish-up HELL!
  • 77joshhh: D2r on console is almost dead. Doesnt stop me tho lol JapeCity: Baal laughing right after you ID that Crack of the Heavens is iconic pheelmacababe2861: that cast rate ring is actually crazy goshu7009: The new season is SUPER LAGGY. Dont know why...... hlyl8888: That’s a sick anni!! Congrats Phil bh.l1380: We need more acts, even if it's filler acts that don't matter to much to the story, just some more land and places to explore, d2r will forever be the beat diablo gane imo. Imagine if they added to it JayTheProduct: Man that SoJ moment was insane live trevorfrench6123: Yeah trading been tuff. Finding any set items been much tougher than normal. Who would have thought finding Ik gear would be so hard lol SlimStarCraft: awesome video as always sweet phil terryherring...
  • qqncpsp: "It wasn't an elegant solution, but it was a solution. And a solution, that is just a solution, is solution enough for me." Words to live by. Doofindork: My guy Uffe didn't last long, but we will always remember him. Rest in parkbänk, Uffe. darianclark3980: I do like your idea of skipping Nightmare mode but maybe you could replace that part by playing the Hidden Cow Level for us. DoomGamer3000: Love the content! As for Nightmare, I think the 'interesting moments' bit is a good idea. It's always a slog to get through Nightmare and doesn't feel as fun to get through as Normal and Hell kylerivoire3826: The highlights from nightmare was enough. I think it was a good choice. Parabellum-oe3sw: Sorc hasn’t been drinking this much since she graduated from sorc school abhimanyu...
  • gergonagy7730: "30 nagel, is that you?" Lol. :D Royy: Can someone update me on why he’s leaving for two months? I heard he’s gonna pursue other stuff besides videos and streaming now christophermanabat1934: I’m sure you can trade that torch for an Amazon torch inthedarkfusion1751: Against all odds: you’ve done it again, good sir ?
  • smalps-gaming: Don't underestimate the importance of Faster Hit Recovery on the mercs! This is also important for their survival. So having that from Treach and Cure/Bulwark is a great combo! potatolauncher4892: Super early on, you can put Sigon's helm and armor on your merc. The synergy is 10% life stolen. Lionheart (Hel-Lum-Fal) is an excellent early ladder merc armor. It has 30 all resist, 20% enhanced damage, 25 strength, 15 Dexterity and 50 to life. Don't forget Duriel's Shell too which has all resistances, life based on character level, 15 strength and cannot be frozen. chrispratt3666: My favorite setup isn't exactly budget but it's not expensive either. I like to use Reaper's, Kira's and Guardian Angel. You get res cap raised to 90, effectively reducing elemental damag...
  • jacksoncheng3070: Okay, we all know I unsubscribed because you picked up Full Rejuvenation potions in your vendor only run. But then a friend told me you posted this video so I’m back. newporg6887: Cannibal Corpse reference. "Hammer smashed face" merengreg: Nice! Would love to see you trying a 1 to ubers run SuperSlimeSoda: I been watching your videos on repeat while I’m playing Diablo 2 hardcore solo self found too. I have completed Throw Barb, Whirlwind Barb, Werebear, Summon Druid, and Fire Druid. Right now I’m working on my last challenge - lvl 1 to 99 Zeal Paladin Hardcore Solo Self Found. I just love the melee challenges. While watching this video for the first time, I was in nightmare act 3 and drop me shaftstop! I credit you for the good luck foxsmith5718: GrizZzy ...
  • AndrewL-em9vu: Commenting for the 'rithm, babydoll johnsutherland3281: Your description of the gap between reality and potential has put into words how I have been feeling for quite some time without the ability to articulate it. Helps to get a handhold as a point to climb from. Thanks, mate. TheJmeech: Ah missed the stream but that’s okay homie! I get to check it out now! Thanks for the content, always look forward to it scottydoesntknow88: Loving the short chill streams! omff6329: Maybe you could incorporate your practice into your videos. I would TOTALLY watch a deep-dive documentary on cows on D2R by schmuck. Having recently watched Lost Im also nervous about aussies flying lol macjj1733: Yoooo missed the stream but gotta comment for the algorithm! adampataki4319: What a Lar...
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